Robin Shaw’s latest musical attempt is breathtaking.

The soaring indie track, ‘Today’s Generation’ is the newest release from the Bressingham-based musician. ‘Today’s Generation,’ Robin Shaw’s latest song, is inspired by the current condition of world events, from Brexit and Vladimir Putin to climate change and the coronavirus outbreak. Robin Shaw wrote the song a few years ago, inspired by Billy Joel’s rock song ‘We Didn’t Start The Fire,’ to convey the message of optimism in the face of hardship.

Robin Shaw makes a triumphant comeback to our ears with ‘Today’s Generation,’ a gloriously bright indie-pop offering evocative of the genre’s specific pinnacle. In reality, the delivery and wording have a marvelously constant flow that builds an emotion that will have a deep influence on the audience.

An opening guitar passage ushers the song into a beat-heavy and a tremendous rhythm section of drums and bassline that lasts the whole song, with the verses transitioning fluidly back and forth in time. His vocals gaggle in the finest way imaginable and explain the complicated world we’re now living.

Amid the midst of emotional turmoil and turbulent times, the literature masterfully communicates the complexities and challenges of today’s youth, which is full of vitality and a strong desire to achieve better things in life. The performance’s energy is consistent, and it accurately represents the writing’s exuberance and hopefulness. Robin Shaw sings in a matter-of-fact tone. That makes it enjoyable to have something uncomplicated since it performs its goal as a story cleanly.

‘Today’s Generation’ was released on April 11th, even though Robin Shaw wrote it during the lockdown and this is what he said about it. “I didn’t want to just make a Covid song, though I wanted to do a song that touches on the various different changes we’ve been going through”, said Robin Shaw.

You may listen, follow along, and, of course, stay up to speed on everything Robin Shaw by clicking the link below. Cheers!