With a distinct freshness to his songs and a pleasant approach, Birds Are Better recently released his debut album titled “The Island – Part One.” The album, which became available on May 19th of this year, exposes us to a gripping and contemplative indie-folk voyage made by Norwegian singer-songwriter Stian Fjelldal. Fjelldal mixes emotional lyrics, passionate melodies, and delicate instrumentation in 10 diligently constructed pieces, producing a musical environment that transports listeners (us) into a realm of contemplation and self-discovery. This album catches hearts with its sentimental emotions and compelling vocal delivery as a captivating musical trip. Let me tell you everything about “The Island – Part One” below.

The album unlocks with the satisfying “Seven In The Morning,” a lovely and exquisite piece that sets the tone for the contemplative journey that follows. Fjelldal’s impassioned vocals immerse the listener in the song’s emotional terrain, emphasizing vulnerability and candor. The delicate acoustic guitar in the song, augmented by modest strings and light percussion, creates a peaceful, intimate, and heavenly environment that feels wonderful to listen to.

The album takes us on a musical journey through diverse sounds as it develops. “Super Highway” ushers in a more energetic and rhythmic sound, powered by a catchy guitar riff and layered harmonies. This song’s dynamic is created by the contrast of frenetic instrumentation and Fjelldal’s introspective words. Lyrically this song represents a person who has been on a long, difficult trip but has finally arrived at their objective. It’s a must-listen track if you wish to feel closer to yourself, it’s lovely, and its musical arrangements stand out.

Fall” exemplifies Fjelldal’s ability to convey complicated emotions through expressive lyrics. His gentle voice floats over a magnificent tapestry of atmospheric textures and soothing piano. These stripped-down arrangements enhance the rawness of his singing, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the compelling words. And because of how perfectly the flow, musicianship, and lyrics complement one another, we feel at ease listening to them. Fjelldal did an outstanding job on this track; I give him a ten since everything is flawless.

Marigold” is a profound song that demonstrates Fjelldal’s emotional depth as a lyricist. The pensive words, a subtle combination of acoustic and hypnotic melodies, and magnificent orchestration create an upsetting ambiance, allowing us to thoroughly immerse ourselves in the artist’s emotional journey. The sentiments and energy he invested in the performance are reflected in the way each line is delivered. The instrumentation also plays a dynamic role in the performance. It was vibrant and enjoyable.

Another standout track on the album, “Nothing is Real When I’m Away From You” displays Fjelldal’s songwriting abilities as well as his ability to compose deeply felt songs. The beautiful melody and thoughtful lyrics of the song generate a strong sensation of longing and desire. The instrumentation, which includes stunning strings and gentle acoustic components, is expertly layered and gives richness and depth to the entire song. Fjelldal’s delivery is fluid and accurate, and his vocal articulations engulf you in the music.

The Island” emerges as a treasure, demonstrating Fjelldal’s skill as an artist. This song is about desire and the intricacy of relationships. Fjelldal’s poetic skill shows through as he delivers a one-of-a-kind story and invokes a wide spectrum of emotions. “The Island” is well-written, with some lovely passages interwoven throughout. On the other hand, the production quality is outstanding and Fjelldal’s vocals sounded very satisfying with such lovely effects on them.

Birds Are Better is known for providing emotionally charged music, and “Baby Blue” is no exception, as it is immediately enticing and holds you enthralled. The song’s modest acoustic guitar arrangement and Fjelldal’s gentle vocals enchant. The words are extremely expressive and convey a sense of yearning and longing, resulting in a highly touching listening experience that immerses you in its realm occupied through the chorus. It’s so enthralling to the ears that it dazzles you and makes the song an absolute delight to listen to.

Oh Mother” becomes more solemn, delving into themes of loss and familial bonds. The emotional weight of the words is captured by Fjelldal’s expressive vocals, which are backed by delicate and unobtrusive orchestration, providing a truly moving experience for the listener. The lyrics are full of great emotional moments that help us feel Fjelldal’s thoughts on the search for his father and the affection and attention he put into his writing. This song is an emotive tune, and the gorgeous smooth piano chords envelop us in it.

With its engaging storyline and rich, layered sounds, “Fencing You In” catches the listener’s attention. The nuanced arrangements and Fjelldal’s voice liaison create a deep listening experience. The song flawlessly blends folk and indie influences, making it one of the highlight moments on the album. And with rich lyrics and a broad musical space crammed with intriguing sounds, “Fencing You In” thoroughly immerses us in its universe.

All In The Past” delivers a touching close to the album with its stripped-down arrangement and emotionally evocative lyrics. Fjelldal’s serene vocals, accompanied by delicate acoustic guitar and minimalist orchestration, inspire a sense of closure and acceptance, leaving the listeners with an incredible combination of feelings.

Overall, “The Island – Part One” is a brilliant debut album from Birds Are Better, showcasing Stian Fjelldal’s creativity and ability to produce emotionally gripping songs. The album’s blend of folk and indie components, along with Fjelldal’s impassioned voice and reflective composition, creates an immersive and lovely musical experience. The productions are fantastic, with a wide range of soundscapes. As a result, the album appears to be well-balanced and wholesome. As we await the second installment of this double album, it’s evident that Birds Are Better has embarked on a musical trip that will intrigue and resonate with listeners.

Listen to “The Island- Part One” album by Birds Are Better on Spotify or SoundCloud and let us know your thoughts.

You can follow Birds Are Better here for more information.



