Roxercat’s “Pearls” EP, which was released on January 13th, is a six-track compilation of beautifully crafted progressive rock songs that highlight the remarkable musical skills of the Nashville-based trio. Led by singer and songwriter Price Jones, guitarist Stan Lassiter, and bassist Bill Francis, this EP is a must-listen for genre aficionados because it covers a wide variety of emotions and subjects. Now, let us focus on each single.

“Pearls,” the titular track, is a standout tune that encapsulates the essence of the EP’s message. The song is positive and inspirational, urging listeners to find delight and purpose in their lives. Price Jones’ emotive singing is ideally matched by the dynamic instrumentation of the ensemble, resulting in a powerful and affecting sound. The appealing rhythm of the song is soothing and immersive, with waves of fascinating guitar solos, and conveys the song with the kindness and modesty that comes with it.

“Crime” follows, with an eerie guitar melody and atmospheric sounds generating a feeling of anticipation and uneasiness that perfectly sets the tone for the song’s dark lyrics about the repercussions of our actions. Price Jones’ vocals on this song are genuine and emotional, adding depth and intricacy while stressing the significance of the subject matter. The song employs percussive dynamics in addition to huge dynamics to create a really interesting effect. With every single beat and note struck, I truly liked this song. It’s an excellent complement to the EP.

The third song on the EP, “Baby I Tried,” is a heartfelt ballad that demonstrates Price Jones’ flexibility as a singer. Her vocals are soft and tender, conveying the song’s feeling of regret and longing flawlessly. The sparse instrumentation of the song contributes to its emotional effect, making it a strong cut on the EP that creates a dreamy and ethereal ambiance.

The fourth song, “I Will Not Lie,” is an upbeat and lively track with the band’s instrumentation taking center stage and lyrics encouraging audiences to be true to themselves. The song’s infectious refrain and driving rhythm make it an immediate earworm, and Lassiter’s amazing guitar work adds a driving energy to it. However, the vocals on this song impress me. The lyrics are kept basic and clean, and the instrumental sounds have been selected to complement the ambiance. This song’s tone would surely pass off to the listeners, making them want to keep listening.

The fifth song, “I Changed Today,” has a driving percussion cadence and distorted guitar lines that evoke a sense of urgency. It’s a positive song with a strong message about personal development and self-improvement. The chorus is especially potent, with the repeated statement, “I Changed Today.” The ambiance has an addictive quality that makes you want to move to the rhythm. Indeed, the musical interludes are appealing and serve to raise one’s spirits. The sound structure of the song is intriguing and the production’s diligent delicate workmanship significantly enhances the track’s interaction.

“2020,” the EP’s concluding cut, is both timely and introspective. It starts with a gloomy tone before incorporating some fascinating tunes and then a drumbeat that makes things interesting. It also includes an unforgettable guitar riff and a powerful vocal performance by Price Jones, who speaks about the strength and faith that have arisen in the face of struggle. Roxercat has won my heart with this tune because of its compositional skills. Their clever use of different arrangements in the tune is well worth hearing and appreciating.

The “Pearls” EP by Roxercat is a well-crafted and deeply evocative compilation of tracks that displays the band’s instrumental and literary complexity. The EP’s pensive lyrics, dynamic arrangements, and outstanding performances will appeal to lovers of experimental rock and beyond. Overall, “Pearls” is an EP full of excellent harmonies, incredible guitar work, and storytelling; it has a lot of tiny details and instrumental parts that I am confident you will appreciate.

Listen to the “Pearls” EP by Roxercat on Spotify or SoundCloud and let us know your thoughts.

You can follow Roxercat here for more information.



